To do this tutorial you must have some knowledge of PSP and Animation Shop.
This Tag was made using PSPX2 and Animation Shop. This tutorial is also copyrighted by Young at Heart Designs.
Im using the Beautiful work of Jamie Kidd. If you wish to use her work you must have a license to use her work before using her tubes.
To purchase her tubes and receive a license go to HERE.
The awesome kit I used is called "Dear Diary" by Clarey Designz and it can be found HERE.
Wordart: HERE
Plug-in->Eye Candy 4000->Gradient Glow
Font: Fiolex Girls
I used shadow settings V3,H2, O50, B5, Color Black on ALL elements, layers, text and the tube except for the mask layer.
I also sharpened every element and tube I had to resize to get the quality like the original size.
1 Open a new canvas 700x700 (Don't worry we will resize later)
2 Open a frame of choice.
The frame I used was a freebie that went along with this kit.
3 Open, copy and paste as new layers both clarey_deardiary_wordart1 and clarey_deardiary_wordart2.
(If you are not doing the animation pick on of these wordarts instead of both)
4 Move both below the frame layer and resize to make them a little bigger so it is sticking out of the frame.
5 Hide one of the wordarts.
6 Now open, copy and paste as a new layer your tube of choice.
7 Position it in the center of the frame. Resize to desired size.
8 Now duplicate it and move one below the frame.
9 Get your eraser tool and erase on both layers any that is sticking out of the frame.
10 Now I need you to duplicate the tube once and resize to much smaller and move to the left of your tube in the frame.
(Use my example for reference.)
11 Then duplicate the smaller tube and mirror it so there is a small tube to the right of the frame too.
12 Now for both smaller tubes (left and right) change your layer properties from normal to lighten.
(You can find this by the layer palette. It is by the bar where you can change the opacity.)
13 Now open, copy and paste as new layers your choice of elements.
I used: clarey_deardiary_diary2
Resize and position where desired.
14 Get your text tool and type out desired text.
I used the colors: foreground-#3a8f99
I also used text size 48. I also added a gradient glow of white and width size 5.
15 Open, copy and paste as a new layer your wordart that I supplied.
16 Position the wordart in your desired position. I put mine at the bottom to the left.
17 Add copyrights.
18 If you are not doing the animation, resize to 500x500 and save as a png.
You are all done!!!
If you are doing the animation follow these steps:
19 Go to your very 1st layer and get your paint bucket tool and flood fill white.
20 Make sure on of your wordart layers you added towards the begining is still hid.
21 Copy merge and paste as a new animation is Animation Shop.
22 Go back to PSP and hide the current wordart layer and unhide the other one.
23 Copy merge and go to Animation Shop and right click on your frame and select paste after current frame.
24 Now select all and go to Animation->Frame Properties and change this to 75.
25 Now go back to Animation and go to Resize Animation and resize to 500.
26 Save as a gif and you are all done!!!
Thanks so much for doing my tut and send me the results!!!
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